Nurture Care

Person Centered Thinking™ Coaching & Mentoring

Looking to further develop your team in Person Centered Thinking? Nurture Care offers PCT Coach Training, PCT Trainer Development, and PCT Mentor Development. This can be delivered in person, virtually, or a combination of both, depending on the location and preference of your organization.

Person Centered Thinking™ Coach Training

With managers having so many things to juggle in their day, wouldn’t it be great to know that your staff have the tools and a point person to go to that can coach them in those “tough” situations when power struggles arise? PCT Coach Training provides increased, in-depth knowledge for people who have attended 2-Day PCT and would like to hone their skills. This training is an effective method to provide the daily supports to all employees to keep Person Centered Thinking as the lens through which you see your services and supports.

Person Centered Thinking™ Trainer Development

Keeping all employees current and grounded in person-centered philosophies can be an overwhelming but highly needed responsibility for service providers in the HCBS world of services. Developing internal PCT Trainers can help your agency ensure all staff receive Person Centered Thinking training in a timely manner.

Person Centered Thinking™ Mentor Development

Does your organization have experienced PCT trainers that would like to expand their capacities to support others in becoming PCT trainers? Nurture Care offers Mentor Training to PCT trainers who are interested in taking their expertise to the next level. Mentoring to become a PCT Mentor requires mentorship from two mentor trainers.

For more information about Nurture Care consulting supports, contact us or email

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